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Which countries and regions produce the best red wine?
By Capital Frontiers Capital Frontiers has been conducting an ongoing research project on wine from around the world. We recently wrote...
Can Fusion Energy Reset the Future for Our Species and Planet?
By Roger Weber Amid 2022’s countless stories of varied import and legacy - Russia invades Ukraine, Roe v. Wade overturned, Artemis orbits...
After Covid-19, Do People Really Want to Live in Cities?
Covid-19 taught the country many things, but among the more interesting things it taught us are the findings that the majority of people...
Welcome to the Nigerian Century
By Roger Weber Politically and culturally, the American zeitgeist around international trends is largely fixated on the growing economies...
In the Country that Outlawed Cities, a Metropolis Gets Ready to Roar
By Capital Frontiers Most people have never heard of Dar es Salaam, which isn't surprising. It’s the 116th largest city in the world and...
Will the Anti-Workers of the World Unite to Invent a Better Tomorrow?
Much of the country reacted with curious disbelief in 2021 when numerous media outlets – from Business Insider...
Why did Intel Pick Ohio to Build One of the World's Largest Semiconductor Factories?
It’s hardly news to the residents of central Ohio, where it has been splashed across the front pages for weeks, but Intel recently...
The Global Population is About to Collapse
One of the most hyperbolic, over-reactionary, and ultimately wrong fixations of the last several decades has been the academic...
Saving Generation Z from the Social Media Zombie Apocalypse
By Roger Weber Poor generation Z. Amid a time of cultural tumult, today’s teens, inheritors of our future challenges, are ever our...
What is the Metaverse?
By Roger Weber Are you a person living in a physical world? Or is your body merely an avatar navigating an artificial digital world...
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